
February 23, 2021

Tips for Insuring Your Teen Driver

The idea of your teen first getting behind the wheel can be a scary and exciting experience. On one hand, you won’t have to drive them everywhere they need to go and it’s a step toward adulthood. On the other, there are many dangers on the road your teen could face, including their own inexperience.  […]
May 19, 2021

Does A BOP Contain Deductibles?

A business owners policy (BOP) is one of the main ways small businesses get coverage. These policies can pay up to certain limits for several types of losses that might occur within the business. However, some of these will have deductibles attached, and as an insured owner, you must pay the deductible in the event […]
June 30, 2021

Commercial Auto Insurance Coverage for Your Leased Company Vehicles

Commercial auto insurance is a necessary investment for many companies. It is necessary when a business operates a vehicle as part of its function.   Many vehicle types fit into this category. It includes trucks and vans. It can include luxury vehicles for moving clients from place to place. It could be a small car that […]
January 11, 2022

Who Should Carry Builders Risk Insurance?

Builders risk is an insurance specialized for dangers that specific industries face. This insurance covers property under construction against incidents with fire, lightning, hail, theft, vandalism and other dangers. Property possibly covered beneath a builders risk policy includes the buildings or structures themselves, materials, supplies and equipment.  In general, anyone with stake in a construction […]
February 2, 2022

Cyber Liability and Data Breach Protection

Cyber liability insurance is a valuable financial protection for today’s business owner. This insurance provides protection from a number of internet related risks. Risks can range from identity theft to data breaches. This is why an increasing number of companies are seeking cyber liability insurance.   Look at your insurance policies to ensure they provide protection […]
March 21, 2022

Why Do Auto Insurers Want To Know How Much You Drive?

Every year you might receive the following question from your auto insurance provider: How much are you driving per year? Most people have no real idea how many miles they put on their vehicle from one year to the next. But it is a good idea to monitor this. Knowing this information could help you […]
April 19, 2022

Can I Insure Two Homes On One Policy?

There are a lot of complications that arise when you buy a second home — be it for vacation or as a rental property. Fortunately, you can combine two home insurance policies on a single plan. But you can’t simply add a second home to the first insurance plan. Here’s what you need to know: ·       Insurers will typically see […]
May 12, 2022

Why High-Value Homeowners Need Umbrella Insurance

When you buy homeowners insurance, you will receive numerous benefits within one policy. Some of these benefits will help you repair or replace your dwelling or possessions if they sustain unexpected, unavoidable damage in hazards like a fire, vandalism or severe weather. Still, other benefits, namely your liability insurance, are designed to help you when […]
June 7, 2022

What Property Is Covered in a BOP?

A handyman business can be a challenging one to insure. Most companies go from one location to another to provide service. That means your business insurance needs to provide enough protection for working onsite. A business owner’s policy or BOP can do this for you. It usually works well for a smaller company that needs […]
July 14, 2022

Insuring Commercial Vehicle Contents Against Theft

All vehicles are vulnerable to theft, commercial vehicles included. However, commercial auto insurance will be available to help the vehicle’s owner cover the costs of their losses, including vehicle repairs (if you recover the stolen vehicle) or the cost of buying a new car. However, if items carried within the vehicle—company equipment, stock, shipments—are stolen […]

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